
Search and Rescue recovers 11 year old

Search and rescue crews recovered the body of the missing 11-year-old boy Friday from the Arkansas River in Browns Canyon. Drake Durkee, from Golden, was thrown from his raft at Big Drop Rapid Wednesday during a commercial rafting trip. His body was found just downstream of the site where he went into the water.

Chaffee County Search and Rescue-North thanked

When someone’s saved your life, finding an adequate thank-you isn’t easy. Brandon Simmons found himself in just such a dilemma last January when he regained consciousness in the hospital after surviving a horrific fall on Mount Princeton. He owed his life to Chaffee County Search and Rescue-North, who launched a successful mission to save Simmons and his two hiking partners

Texan hikes out after 2-day search

Kishore Joshi, 46, Houston, Texas, the subject of weekend search efforts by Chaffee County Search and Rescue, returned to safety early Sunday evening, according to a Monday release from the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office.


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