Press Release, Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, October 8, 2017
On 10/08/17 at approximately 2am the Chaffee County Sheriff Communication Center received a call of a possible missing hiker on Mount Missouri, which is a fourteen thousand foot peak in northern Chaffee County.
According to the caller, Shuei Pako, age 36, from Silverthorne, Colorado had summited Mount Missouri in the morning hours on October 7th and was to have returned to Silverthorne in the afternoon of the same day. Pako failed to return as was planned.
Chaffee County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the trailhead and located Pako’s vehicle. Chaffee County SAR North was notified.
An extensive search began on October 8th using Chaffee County SAR North and South, Summit SAR, Lake County SAR, as well as air support from Flight for Life, Reach Air Ambulance and the Air National Guard, H.A.T.C., based out of Eagle County. Over 45 ground searchers participated as well as 3 helicopters, however Pako was not located.
The search was suspended due to nightfall. The search is scheduled to resume on Monday, October 9th, however a large cold front with possible blizzard conditions is due to arrive in the Collegiate Peaks Range on Monday which could hamper search operations.
The Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office and Chaffee County SAR will evaluate the weather conditions on Monday morning and a decision on search operations will be made at that time.